San Saba County Historical Commission

John Wesley Smith Cemetery



This small cemetery is located in central San Saba County in the China Creek Community.  It is situated on the top of the knoll to the northeast of the old John Wesley Smith home site.  The property is now owned by Allen and Linnise Arfsten.  Linnise Casbeer Arfsten is the great granddaughter of John Wesley and Elizabeth Smith.

GPS:     Latitude: 31.2446o N     Longitude 98.789o W


  •     From San Saba city limit on U. S. Highway 190 West
  •    Go west 2.1 miles to Harkeyville and the junction with CR 208.
  •    At Harkeyville turn right onto CR 208. Go 0.2 mile to junction with CR 204.
  •    Turn left and follow 204/208 for 0.2 mi. Then veer to the right and pick up CR 208 again. 
  •    Continue 2.1 miles on 208 to junction with CR 212.
  •    Turn sharp left onto CR 212 and go west 0.4 mile to right turn corner.
  •    At corner turn through gate into Arfsten pasture and follow dim pasture road 0.1 mile to small rounded knoll with patch of brush at the top.
  •    The cemetery is in the center of the brush patch.



This small burial plot was established in 1880 as a family burial ground for the John Wesley Smith family.  The oldest extant gravestone is that of Alva Smith who died in 1880. The only other grave as far as can be determined is that of Ike Smith who died in 1882 There may have been other burials here, but if so, no records remain. The plot is no longer used as a burial ground.


 This small cemetery is a 5 ft. by 9 ft. rectangular plot enclosed by a 3 ft. high antique iron fence.  The two tomb stones can be seen from the west side of the plot.  The remainder of the enclosure is filled with a dense growth of persimmon, cacti, and algerita (ageratum) bushes.

There are only two graves at this location:

SMITH, Ala (Alva) was born November 14, 1880.  She died December 30, 1880.

SMITH, I. W. (Ike) was born November 23, 1881 and died September 30, 1882.