San Saba County Historical Commission

Bend  Cemetery


 The Bend Community Cemetery is located in southeast San Saba County in the Bend Community.  It is situated at the top of a hill just back of the Bend United Methodist Church.  

  Latitude: 31.0962o N  Longitude: 98.5121o


 From the San Saba city limit on U.S. 190 East 

  • Go east 2.9 miles on U. S. 190 to the junction with FM 580 (the Bend Road).
  • Turn right onto FM 580 and go southeast 13.1 miles to the Bend United Methodist Church on the right.
  • Turn right going uphill, past the church building, to the top of the hill. The gate into Bend Cemetery is at the top of the hill.



   This old cemetery, established in 1878, is still in use in 2017 as a community burial ground. It is located on land given by Phil B. and Phinetta Jane McCoury. The cemetery is an area of about 1.7 acres enclosed by a 4 ft. high chain link fence.  The main entrance, a 12 foot wide gate, is at the northeast corner of the cemetery. The cemetery has been and continues to be well maintained by an active cemetery association