San Saba County Historical Commission

Kuykendall Cemetery


This old cemetery is located in southwest San Saba County 1.4 mile west of the town of Cherokee.  It is on the top of a hill along the north side of FM 501.


  • From the town of Cherokee
  • Turn off of state highway 16 onto FM 501
  • Go west 1.4 mile to Kuykendall Cemetery sign
  • Turn right and go uphill into the parking lot for the cemetery. The cemetery is visible from FM 501.

  GPS:  Latitude:    30˚ 58.952     Latitude:         98˚ 44.058


This plot of land situated on top of a hill overlooking a wide open valley was set aside in the early 1880’s to be used as a community burial ground by the families who were the first to settle along the upper Cherokee Creek.  Land for the original plot was given by W. J. and Elizabeth Jane Kuykendall and neighbor George J. Gray.  Each family gave one-half acre.  At a later date Raymond Gray, son of George J., gave an additional acre to add to the original plot and some time later he sold another small amount of land to the Cemetery Association.

The Cemetery is enclosed by an attractive welded-pipe fence on the south end and east side with a large main entrance gate in the east fence line (See Photo Log).  The north end and west side fences are of barbed and net wire.  A 20 ft. by 24 ft. pavilion is located in the southeast part of the cemetery near the main entrance.

This cemetery has been and continues to be well maintained.  The cemetery is supported by gifts to an endowment fund.  Interest is used for upkeep

Submitted by: Stan Burnham March, 2011.  Updated August 2015