San Saba County Historical Commission

Hillcrest Cemetery




This county cemetery is located south of and near the city of San Saba alongside State Highway 16.  It is situated on and is a part of Survey No. 123 ½, originally granted to Heinrich Helmke.  (See Deed Records, Vol. P, page 296)


This cemetery was first referred to as “Hillcrest” in Commissioners’ Court Minutes in 1905.  (See Commissioners’ Court Minutes, Book L, page 314) 

GPS:  Latitude:  31.1788o N   Longitude:  98.7190o W


From the city of San Saba,

·                     Turn south onto State Highway 16 (High Street in the city.)

·                     From San Saba city limit south go 0.6 mi. to cemetery which is on the west side of and adjacent to Highway 16.

·                     The only parking available is on the inner road of the cemetery.



This old cemetery was established in 1878 by the County of San Saba on land purchased from R. E. Wilkes “To be used as a burial ground for the benefit of San Saba County. (See Deed Record Vol. P., pages 296-297.” (See also Commissioners’ Court Minutes, Book A, page 28.)

The cemetery is an area of about two acres.  It is fenced on the north, south and west with net and barbed wire attached to cedar staves and metal posts.  The east side alongside Highway 16 is open.  There is a center road that runs from north to south, but visitors have created two side roads that around and among existing gravesites and curbed plots.  There are numerous shrubs and trees throughout the cemetery.