San Saba County Historical Commission

McConnell Grave

  The grave of John Posey McConnell is located on the McConnell Ranch  in north central San Saba County.  The ranch is about three miles NNW of the city of San Saba on County Road 202.

GPS: Latitude:  31.2336o  W    Longitude:  98.7652o N

Condition:  There is only one grave at this location.  The gravesite is under two very large live oak trees.  The area is not protected by fencing underbrush and cacti.  In years past, since the burial, the tombstone was visible from the road.(CR 202) The heavy growth of small trees and bee brush along the fence line now blocks the view.. 

McConnell, John Posey    Nov 14, 1925 - August 30, 1993

John Posey McConnell, Jr. was the son of John Posey McConnell and Lillian Floss turner.  John McConnell, Jr. married Patsy Raye Rimmer of Santa Ana, California.  Two daughters were born to this union.  Johnene and Johnette.  During the last 25 years of his lifetime, John McConnelll owned and operated several ranches, managed the McConnell estate properties and engaged in securities trading.

Note:  For more information on the McConnell family, see pp. 209-210, Vol1 of San Saba County History, 1856-1983

Submitted by Stan Burnham,  November 2, 2010